Mary Eileen

Mary Eileen

Birthday: January 27

Hometown: Chicago

Who is in your family/household:  Husband C. J., daughters Maura (8.5), Tess (7), and son Charlie (3.5)

Favorite Color: green

Favorite Season: summer

Favorite Food:  pizza

Favorite Music: pop, currently my “Alexa” go-to is the Lumineers 

Favorite Book: the Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Hobbies: spending time with my family, exercising, making family photo books

What relaxes you: yoga and taking time to enjoy the outdoors

What makes you laugh: my brother’s jokes

What do you want to do when you grow up: Loving my roles as a mother and teacher, I’ll figure out the future as I go : )

Flying vs. invisibility:  flying! 

Anything else you want to share about yourself with the community:  I look forward to getting to know more of you and your families throughout this school year.