Preschool Curriculum

NMNS offers cross-curricular, play-based lessons, fusing pre-literacy and science, numbers and art, science to music, with emphasis on social and emotional development. A typical day at New Morning looks like:

greeting: children have the chance to enter the room, say goodbye to their parents/caregivers, greet teachers and friends, and choose an activity to start their school day. It is a time of transition that allows each child to choose the best way to start their experience – whether it be on the lap of a teacher reading a book, playing with a favorite toy by themselves, or sitting down with a group of friends at the art table.

circle time: teachers and children gather in a circle to greet one another, to share feelings, ideas and knowledge, to sing songs, read stories, or play games. This very special time helps us to know and understand one another better each day.

child-initiated play: children are given the freedom to choose among the many unit-related activities and areas of the room available to them each day. Teachers engage each child and the group as a whole facilitating to the play and learning.

snack: teachers and children relax together for a few minutes to share a nutritious snack. This if often on of the most sociable times of the day as children talk with their peers.

gymnasium/playground: large motor activities in the gym or on the playground give children a chance to run and jump, to stretch their muscles, and engage in active play.